Graphic Art... Can I too, do this?
Dreams, really. Original, fascinating dreams! And, well... I'd like to share them! But not in text: graphically. Graphic art; be it motion picture or graphic novel! I want to engage in something infinite!
I can draw some of them, but hand-drawing takes too long and is becoming expensive. I need so many pieces of paper and huge amounts of different pens and brushes, for something which fades and deteriorates really easily...
What I really need is to be able to draw on my pc: A tablet. A good one, with many macro's... I know which model I need. It's the $500 model.
I know. That's really expensive. It also apparently takes some getting used to... but; I think I can do it. Call it intuition, call it blind ignorance to potential obstacles. I feel like I will overcome the learning curve with good old stubborn determination. (Something which I haven't shown in far too long.) The ability to say "fuck the odds, I'm doing this".
This is something I want.