I have an idea

Graphic Art... Can I too, do this?

I have ideas. Good ones.
Dreams, really. Original, fascinating dreams! And, well... I'd like to share them! But not in text: graphically. Graphic art; be it motion picture or graphic novel! I want to engage in something infinite!

I can draw some of them, but hand-drawing takes too long and is becoming expensive. I need so many pieces of paper and huge amounts of different pens and brushes, for something which fades and deteriorates really easily...

What I really need is to be able to draw on my pc: A tablet. A good one, with many macro's... I know which model I need. It's the $500 model.

I know. That's really expensive. It also apparently takes some getting used to... but; I think I can do it. Call it intuition, call it blind ignorance to potential obstacles. I feel like I will overcome the learning curve with good old stubborn determination. (Something which I haven't shown in far too long.) The ability to say "fuck the odds, I'm doing this".

This is something I want.


Too tired. Always at work. Always tired.
Need money. Make money. Not enough money. Make more money. More tired. Sleep.
No blog.
Just work, booze, sunburn, daily complications and (lack of) sleep.

To the beat of the awesome!

Gotta love those "SHIT-YEAH!!!" moments when you listen to music and things just click in your head. The difficult crumbles before your positiveness... For me, today, it was

John Murphy - 28 Theme

It was significant enough to make me get off my arse, draw a picture and post a blog about it. (Picture Pending). That's pretty fucking significant... Especially these days.

The QR Code for my Blog:

QR codes are awesome. So here's mine:


Need some time to do things for myself.