To the beat of the awesome!

Gotta love those "SHIT-YEAH!!!" moments when you listen to music and things just click in your head. The difficult crumbles before your positiveness... For me, today, it was

John Murphy - 28 Theme

It was significant enough to make me get off my arse, draw a picture and post a blog about it. (Picture Pending). That's pretty fucking significant... Especially these days.

The QR Code for my Blog:

QR codes are awesome. So here's mine:


Need some time to do things for myself.

Custom Washburn Lyon

Alright, so my parents gave me a beginner's guitar for Chirstmas one year. Body-wise, the guitar has a lot of potential. Most pro's consider the guitar worthy of playing gigs once you do some work to it. And so I did.

Upgraded parts:

- Better wiring (layout and quality)
- Superior switch and pots
- Artec pick-ups
- Steel roller-nut
- Complete internal shielding
- A pretty damn cool logo...

There are also new tuning pegs, to be installed next time a string breaks...

I'm glad you said it.

Cause I don't think I could do that again.

I guess, not knowing, is knowing... that I want to think of something that does end well for a change.

I did write that song.

The Expansion - Music Video

In production! Hope I can pull this off...

Coming Soon:

Hmmm, upgrades

Ok, so the good:

-Wider blog, more room to type/post.
-New title, better look

the Bad:

-Same old shit
-No new shit

the Ugly:

This house.

Blog Currently Under Construction

Increasing the margins for my blog. Because the whole thing is made from images, I have to redesign the title and menu a bit.

J Wortley Concepts

An introduction:

Ok, so I see myself making more films in the future (partly based on it being part of my major assessment for uni). So, I thought I'd eventually need an intro. Luckily I already had a logo and a theme ready. So, 3 hours later and... tada!

Hallways in Architecture

They just don't exist any more. Hallways are considered such a bad design idea in design by so many architecturally-educated. It's always 'Open-space' or 'Modern' or 'Rationalise'.

Well screw you "experts" I say! I like hallways! And for a very good reason:
Hallways guide the user through and architecturally-guided experience. Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion is a great example of what a guided experience could be like.

Why did we, as kids, like castles and fairy tales? Cause they were all about adventure and discovery! These are 2 things which pretty much most of humanity enjoy. Creating a journey restores some of that childhood curiosity which we grow out of. We stop discovering and being overwhelmed by things because we understand and predetermine their experiences.

Now, I'm not saying Open Space is bad. It too has it's experiential effects, but only if well designed. The same applies to hallways. The potential is probably only comparable to a maze. Each corner holds a new shape and path. But why stop there? Each wall can be made from something different to the first; there can be grass; you can have windows; you can do anything... So long as you beat the user's expectation of "what's around the corner", then you can use hallways just as effectively as any other spatial tool.

I think most hallways are considered bad, because they surround you in their architectural style. A plain and boring hallway will immerse you in the building's plain and boring style:

A building which has interesting architecture, will allow you to be immersed in, well... interesting architecture:

Imagine hallways as magnifying glasses for the quality of architecture:
If you look at a turd through a magnifying glass, you experience it in much more depth and detail (you'll probably end up being able to see a little too much detail).
If you look at flower through a magnifying glass, you may discover shapes and patterns you didn't even know were there... (Which links back to discovery!)

So there! That's my two cents worth...

"The Demo Version"

Final draft for my Digital Media Studio assignment:
A 47-second teaser introducing the concept for my major assignment.

A music video (of sorts) to the music of
Hania Lee, titled "Credit Twist"
from the Tarboy OST - Bonus Tracks

Sophos starts his day just like any other... With an integrated cybernetic enhancement telling him it's 07:00 and time to get up.

Despite having this amazing marvel of science. Our protagonist wants to keep it a secret. It's more fun that way.

And so, he continues with everday life...

"The Demo Version" - Initial Draft

The first draft for my uni assignment:
A 30-60sec stop-motion music video.

Making this video, I've discovered that I have a long way to go until I can achieve the kinds of things I would like to.

The over-all effect hasn't been too bad though. Initially, the plan was to have the protagonist have a HUD (like Half-Life 2 or something), but now I'm thinking I might leave it as just a POV experience.

Ok, so here's the raw footage. There's so much to do still and I have no idea when it comes to the special effects... A newer version of this has MUCH better scene transitions.

Coming Soon!

A short film (a music video actually)...

"The Demo Version"

So, story is, I've got my life on track and my arse in gear. So, to celebrate, I'm doing uni work!
Yeah ok, so it sounds boring, but our project revolves around making a 30-60sec music video. (The main assignment is a full-length one.)
It has potential for fun! You gotta admit that...

So, if it turns out alright, I'll be posting it.

'My Secret Life as an Assassin' Project

I decided last year that I would make something for the STUFF exhibition, however, this never happened. The picture wasn't and isn't ready.

I'm not sure what to do that could finish it. I mean, it's already good, but I feel it's missing something...

EDIT: And then again... Having just looked at it again, it looks finished. Maybe I just need to polish it up a bit...

WTF? What the Facebook?

Get it, the word Facebook is interchangeable with the word fuck... Yeah that's right, its funny-haha. Why? (For those of you who need CATscans) it's because at least once every month you go on Facebook, you say it when you hit the homepage.

Now, there are many variations on the reaction... such as:

-"Login, yes... oh a blue box with stuff in it... blah blah changed privacy setting-for FUCK sakes! Leave my settings alone!"

-"I can't fucking see everybody's status's and photo's through all these pages!"

-"Who changed fucking one-liners into pages anyway!? We must travel back in time and stop him!"

-"Shut the Facebook up!" (Yeah I used my clever joke again.)

...Point is, even though we manage to deal with these issues, there is more waiting. Facebook is getting more and more bullshit by the day. Yay for me!!! -.-

I quite realistically want to stop using it, but sadly won't because I turned it into my primary resource for socialising. So in short, I'm fucked. They win. They got me hooked and can control what I get presented with for as long as I use it. I'm still figuring out how I'm going to solve this problem. It's tricky...

Sponge Bob (2009)

So, it's 4pm. I still have like an hour of uni left. Bored as nothing you can imagine... or as you CAN imagine (depending on how insane you are): And so I drew this!
So there you have it! I can imitate things that are in my mind... what a useful skill?

Disclaimer: Um, I guess call it fan-art? Whatever, just don't sue me rich cartoon-man. Oh and the Vegemite is fan-art too...
Secondary disclaimer (for people who know me): I actually don't particularly enjoy either of these two things.


Right, today I finally took that old hardwood board and fashioned a quiver from it:

Looks pretty sick right?

It all started with this:

A clip for holding wires to walls; it snaps open and closed and houses your average arrow perfectly.
Now, I don't expect each clip to have a very long life, but they'll do. You can replace them as time goes on...

In the mean time, arrows simply pop out and into the clips:

Currently (since I'm still pretty novice at the whole archery thing) I only have 3 wooden target arrows and 4 aluminium broad-head arrows.

Broad-head arrow:

Very Sharp.

And now the set is good to go:

The quiver alongside my Re-curve Bow (in the stringed state) and beginners-Compound Bow.

Peace and Exposure (05/2010)

Somewhat a work-in-progress; this is already exactly what I wanted from the endeavour.

Hills apart (01/2010)

Drawings I made at work and decided were cool enough to play with later.

A far-away dream (01/2010)

Drawings I made at work and decided were cool enough to play with later.

If you were to ask.

Once upon a time, the blog which is locked, was going to be unlocked. Now however... now I don't think so. It purely exists for my sanity. I now feel almost ashamed of what's in it.

But then again, I guess it doesn't matter.

Up and running, basically

My website isn't quite done yet, but I'm having a few people look at it.

Future sections for:
- Music
- A design portfolio
- Projects

Suggestions welcome.

Highly Inappropriate Cartoons (2009)

Has been moved to its own page:


Arm me with a pen and notepad, with 2 hours of free time at an airport, and... Tada! Inappropriate cartoons!

My secret life as a medieval asassin (2009)

Greek Fighter Guy (2007)

Gun Blade (2004)

A drawing of my hand (2004)

Snake-dragon (2004)

A picture I drew in year 8 and later used to engrave a wooden box.

Dragon (2003)

A picture I drew in primary school.

The Low-down

Right, so I finally finished the bloody thing. Welcome to my blog, I guess...

"But um, dude, why a blog? Isn't that kinda dead."
Yes, but I have reasons for making one anyway.

I, man with the alias: Sophos, have decided that Facebook is not the best way to post some stuff.
I want to post music, drawings and other stuff I make, as well as other notable things. I also wanted somewhere to make a portfolio.

The main reason why I even had a blog to start with of though, is to write stuff. Kinda like a diary, but less gay. I would put all my best ideas in it. Early versions were a bit lame though, and were public on MySpace, but their not any more.

So there you have it. Clearly my blog is empty right now, but I'll get around to stuff.

Test Post 2

Getting there.

Test Post 1

Just doing a bit of page-layout stuff.